UI Frameworks are definitely not simple as they involve learning a lot of new concepts even though the syntax seems easy to understand at first. Fortunately, the return in investment of time and frustration ultimately pays off as you gain the ability to create a modern and aesthetically pleasing interface. Compared to raw HTML and CSS, Semantic UI provides a much more user friendly experience for both the programmer and the user of the site as you can obtain the same functionality, but achieve a more pleasing visual experience with potentially less “work”. As a software engineer, one of your main goals is to attract users to test out your creations. However, first impressions are very important and the difference between a site made from raw HTML and CSS can make a large difference in how many users delve deeper into what you made. In this respect, Semantic UI can be a powerful tool that a software engineer can utilize to attract people to their product and keep them coming.
Initially, I thought Semantic UI seemed fairly easy as the syntax seemed different from traditional programming languages in that Semantic UI seems to use more colloquial language. However, despite the syntax looking simple, the structure of the language makes the learning process similar to learning a new programming language. Semantic UI was my first every framework so there was not much to base my experience off of, but my initial experience was definitely enjoyable as it instantly made our websites more modern and relatable. Gaining the ability to replicate other sites with the use of Semantic UI was a game changer during our web development experience.
In the end, Semantic UI proved to be very useful and even fun. The learning process ended up being both complicated yet easy at the same time. The syntax was easy to pick up, but learning how to structure the website and actually applying the ui classes together made it rather complex. However, after the initial experiences learning Semantic UI, using it to replicate other modern websites ended up being another learning experience as we got to see how modern companies frame their websites to fit the uses of their consumers.