What got me interested in software engineering was knowing that if my skills became developed enough, I could potentially gain the ability to personalize my software with the use of my own creativy and technical skills. With this, I believe I will end up enjoying programming a lot more than I do now as the possibilities would be seemingly limitless depending on my skillset. With the prevalence of technology and the need for programming almost anywhere, I believe I will have the biggest chance to contribute my best to the world through a developmental platform. Though there have been struggles at times, I enjoy improving and learning consistently and look forward to being part of a this new and evergrowing field.
Though the journey looks long and arduous, it also looks rather exciting as I don’t know what else I’ll get to learn and apply next. I look forward to learning more about web development in the future and hope to gain more skills and knowledge that could help me build an interactive website of my own. More importantly, I hope to create something that others can use that will make their lives easier or more exciting. I also aim to experience more of what it’s like to work in groups to achieve an objective because up until now I haven’t really gotten the chance to do that yet. I enjoy socializing with people and have worked around people, but have not developed and created something with the help of others and their ideas yet, which is an exciting aspect to think about and look forward to.
My goals also include finding more ways to develop my professional persona in order to gain more credibility for the future and also to get to know more people that could teach me a thing or two or even someone to discuss relevant interests with. Continually practicing and refining my problem solvings skills is also something very essential to software development that I would like to improve upon in order to be ready for when I have to tackle problems that will test my limits sometime in the future. Studying software engineering should help me attain these goals as there will be more opportunities to practice, especially with the introduction of teammates. Essentially, I believe the most important and effective way of learning something new is by doing it and, fortunately, in the shoes of a software developer we have a lot of areas where we can practice and show off our skills and also a lot of people that can assist in the learning experience.